
Webflow Migration Checklist

In the dynamic landscape of digital presence, migrating to a platform like Webflow can be a game-changer for your website. Whether you're a business owner looking to revamp your online presence or a digital agency like 3SIX5 Digital seeking a robust client platform, a well-structured migration checklist is crucial for a seamless transition. This Webflow migration post will guide you through a comprehensive checklist to ensure a smooth migration to Webflow.

Webflow Migration Checklist

Define Your Goals and Scope:

  • Clearly outline your objectives for migrating to Webflow.
  • Identify the scope of the migration, including the pages and functionalities you want to retain or enhance.

Content Inventory:

  • Take stock of all existing content, including text, images, videos, and other media.
  • Organise and categorise content to streamline the migration process.

Design and Styling:

  • Create a website style guide inside of Webflow to house all your common elements and styles in one place.
  • Ensure consistent branding elements, fonts, and colour schemes.

Website Architecture:

  • Map out the structure of your current website inside of Webflow
  • Plan the new architecture in Webflow, considering navigation, page hierarchy, and user experience.

SEO Analysis:

  • Conduct an SEO audit of your existing site.
  • Map out metadata, URLs, and other relevant SEO elements to maintain or improve search rankings.

Data Migration:

  • Migrate databases, user accounts, and any other dynamic content.
  • Verify data integrity and consistency post-migration.

Responsive Design:

  • Test and optimise the design for various devices to ensure a responsive and user-friendly experience.
  • Open up your original live site and the new one in Webflow to double-check that nothing has been missed or input incorrectly.

Functionality Testing:

  • Test all interactive elements, forms, and e-commerce functionalities.
  • Address any issues related to functionality and user interaction.

Performance Optimisation:

  • Optimise images, scripts, and other assets for faster loading times.
  • Use Webflow's built-in tools for performance optimisation.

Security Measures:

  • Implement security best practices, including SSL certificates.
  • Regularly update and monitor security settings.

Quality Assurance:

  • Conduct thorough testing across different browsers to ensure cross-compatibility.
  • Address any issues related to browser-specific rendering.

Training and Documentation:

  • Train your team or clients on using the Webflow platform.
  • Provide documentation for ongoing maintenance and updates.

Backup and Rollback Plan:

  • Create backups of your existing site before migration.
  • Have a contingency plan in case any issues arise during or after migration.

DNS Updates And Go Live:

  • The last point is to take note of the current DNS, then change to Webflow’s DNS to start pointing to your newly migrated website.
  • Add your custom domain into Webflow’s hosting settings and go live!


Following this comprehensive migration checklist will prepare you for a successful transition to Webflow. Whether you're a digital agency like 3SIX5 Digital or an individual looking to enhance your online presence, a meticulous approach to migration is critical to unlocking the full potential of this powerful platform. Embrace the change, and watch your website thrive in Webflow! If you need help with this process, reach out to the expert Webflow development team at 3SIX5, and we can do everything for you!

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