
What is Webflow?

The Origins of Webflow


Webflow was established back in 2012 by entrepreneur Vlad Magdalin alongside his brother and friend Sergie Magdalin and Bryant Chou. Webflow took its time to hit the ground running as the concept of 'no-code' technology was proving to premature for the web-design industry. After nearing bankruptcy with three failed business ventures, Webflow received its first funding opportunity that kickstarted the business we know of today.

Webflow at Current

Webflow was created on a belief that 'no-code' technology has the opportunity to solve issues within the current industry. Magdalin previously envisioned the prospects of no-code which today has proved disruptive in delivering better solutions.

"Our vision is to build the world's most powerful no-code development platform"

Webflow is continuing to build bigger year on year with over $300 million invested since 2013. Here at 3SIX5 Digital, we channel a similar ethos to Vlad Magdalin in that Webflow provides ground-breaking services to benefit our clients.

Long Term Strategy

With the huge success of Webflow solidified, the business shows no sign of slowing and aims to continuing making huge moves towards a 'no-code' norm. To what can only be related to the Web 3.0 phenomenon, Webflow remains in its infancy. Webflow shows promising signs to innovate web-design to improve websites and benefit your business.

What Does Webflow Do?

Webflow is a website builder driven by innovation that disrupt the current space surrounding traditional design. Regarded as a no-code applicator, Webflow prioritises creativity, giving web-designers the freedom to create professional and cutting edge websites. Traditional website design focuses heavily on coding which in today's digital world is costing your business time and resources. Webflow allows web-designers to focus their attention on the visuals of your website and translates that into clean code. Webflow is continuing to mature by attracting over 4 million visitors each month with many choosing to migrate their website over. Webflow understands the importance of your website and its key features are built to increase commerciality and scalability.

Features of Webflow

What sets Webflow aside from other website builders is its no-code technology. To clear up any confusion, no-code simply means a website built visually on a 'drag and drop' mechanic as opposed to writing code. On completion, Webflow will produce a standard compliant code to host and transfer the website. So what does this mean for you and your business? Well no-code technology provides automation which means your website can be built quicker in a more efficient way. Decreasing this lead time means companies can create and publish their website quicker increasing your business activity.

Having a quick and responsive website is key for any business. It can benefit UX and increase conversion and thats why Webflow adopts a 'no-code' mechanic. Webflow translates its innovative websites into a clean code that has been proven to run websites faster. Traditional website code can be a factor in why your website doesn't run at the speed it should be. That is why so many companies are migrating onto Webflow as speed impacts on revenue.

Creating a Webflow website is nothing short than a work of art, however the website can soon fall short if not kept up to date. It is essential that website stays adaptable and on trend to keep your business thriving. Launching campaigns and tweaking content has never been made easier up until the creation of Webflow. Website owners can alter content straight through the live site saving your business a tonne of time. Webflow was created with scalability in mind and the live editing tool means your website can be altered with ease.

Hosting on Webflow

Here at 3SIX5 Digital, we highly recommend hosting your website through Webflow. Webflow provides a fast and scalable hosting platform that promises to load your site in milliseconds. Webflow distributes your website on global content delivery networks which will load your site pages quickly regardless of your geographical location.

Hosting on Webflow also provides your website with advanced security. As opposed to a traditional website builder, Webflow relies less upon plugins which makes your website less susceptible to cyber-attacks. Webflow also includes SSL as a standard form of security. This will keep your website secure when being hosted on Webflow.

3SIX5 Webflow Experts

3SIX5 Digital are proud to be official Webflow experts to help transform your website. Having over six years experience in Webflow, we are truly passionate about creating innovative websites that will accelerate your business forward.

Webflow is a forward thinking software that understands that websites are fundamental in increasing conversion. Here at 3SIX5 Digital, we are here to offer our expertise to insure you are getting the best out of your website. Get in contact with us to hear how Webflow could transform your business.

Further Reading

Webflow is a fascinating subject to learn all about but it can be complex to those new to it. Listed below are some links we believe you may find helpful in learning more about Webflow.

No-Code Movement

A simple guide to the no-code movement

The no-code movement

Webflow vs. WordPress

Why you should switch to Webflow from WordPress

Migrating your site to Webflow [case study]

Portfolio of Webflow Projects

3SIX5 Webflow Projects

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